141 وظيفة شاغرة في جامعة الامارات العربيه المتحده 2025
جامعة الامارات العربيه المتحده
ننشر اعلان عن وظائف جامعة الامارات العربيه المتحده - United Arab Emirates University jobs ، التي أعلنت عبر الصفحة الرسمية عن توفر عدد من الوظائف الشاغرة للتوظيف ، وذلك وفقا للمعايير الخاصة المطلوبة في الإعلان الوظيفي .
قائمة الوظائف المتاحة في جامعة الامارات العربيه المتحده
- Associate/Full Professor of Psychology - Cognitive Sciences- (CHSS)
- IT Specialist - National Space Science&Tech. Center
- GNSS Engineer - National Space Science&Tech. Center
- Computer Engineer - National Space Science&Tech. Center
- Senior Ground Station Technician - National Space Science&Tech. Center
- Satellite Data Specialist - National Space Science&Tech. Center
- Administrator - Admin - Human Resources
- Legal Researcher I - Legal and Policy Affairs Office
- Academic Advisor - Asst.Dean/Dir.of Student Affrs-CHSS
- Assistant Professor - Government and Society- (CHSS)
- Associate Professor - Government and Society- (CHSS)
- Assistant/ Associate Professor - Surgery - (CMHS)
- Lab specialist I - Physics - (COS)
- Academic Advisor - As.Dean For Student Affairs - (CIT)
- Research Associate - Emirates Cntr. for Mobility Reserch
- Postdoctoral Fellow - PGC and Gene Modification Studies in Falcons - Khalifa Cntr.Biotech.&Genetic Eng.
- A/V Support Specialist I - Audio Visual Support Services Unit
- Senior AIT Technician - National Space Science&Tech. Center
- Assistant / Associate / Full Professor - Pediatrics - (CMHS)
- Assistant / Associate / Full Professor - Radiology - (CMHS)
- Communication Engineer - National Space Science&Tech. Center
- Post-Doctoral Researcher – Urban and Building Integration of Food Production Systems - Assoc. Provost for Research Office
- Administrator I - Nat'l. Inst. for Health Specialties
- Laboratory Specialist (Aerospace System Dynamics and Control) - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Associate Professor - Statistics &Business Analytics(CBE)
- Reporting & Data Analyst - Institutional Research Unit
- A/V Support Specialist - Audio Visual Support Services Unit
- Assistant/Associate Professor in Economics - Economics and Finance - (CBE)
- Instrumentation Specialist I - National Space Science&Tech. Center
- HPC Cluster System Engineer - Administration Unit- CIO
- Postdoctoral Fellow - Mathematical Sciences - (COS)
- Research Assistant - As.Dean for Research&Grad.Std.- COE
- Instructor - Pharmacology & Therapeutics- (CMHS)
- Research Assistant - Assoc. Provost for Research Office
- Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management and Logistics - Management - (CBE)
- AIT Engineer - National Space Science&Tech. Center
- ADCS Engineer - National Space Science&Tech. Center
- Mechanical Engineer - National Space Science&Tech. Center
- Instructor - Innovation and Entrepreneurship, College of Business and Economics - Marketing & Entrepreneurship- (CBE)
- Research Assistant - Economics and Finance - (CBE)
- IT Administrator I - Administration Unit- CIO
- Assisstant Professor/Associate Professor - Geosciences - (COS)
- UH, Legislations & Policies - Legislation and Policies Unit
- Coordinator Library Research Projects - Dean's Office - Libraries
- Systems Librarian Specialist - Dean's Office - Libraries
- Librarian Specialist I - Content&ScholarlyCommunication Sect
- Laboratory Specialist - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Head, National Medical Library Section - National Medical Library Section
- Instructor - Colleges - Engineering Requirement Unit (COE)
- Assistant Professor - Chemical & Petroleum Eng.- (COE)
- Assistant/Associate Professor - Chemistry - (COS)
- Assistant Professor - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Director, Libraries Deanship - Dean's Office - Libraries
- IT Helpdesk Specialist - IT Help Desk Unit
- Open Rank Faculty position in Dynamics and Control - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Postdoctoral Fellow - Mathematical Sciences - (COS)
- Research Assistant - Economics and Finance - (CBE)
- Assistant/Associate Professor - Geosciences - (COS)
- Research Assistant: Development of Machine Learning-Based Photon Identification Algorithm - Physics - (COS)
- Assistant/Associate Professor - Geosciences - (COS)
- Assistant/Associate Professor - Geosciences - (COS)
- Instructor - Social Wellbeing- (CHSS)
- Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Full Professor in Dynamics and Control - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Full Professor in Industrial and Systems Engineering - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Full Professor in Dynamics and Vibration - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Professor - criminal law in public law Department - Public Law - (CL)
- Open Rank Faculty position in Materials Science and Engineering - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Assistant Professor - Physics - (COS)
- Postdoc - Biology - (COS)
- Open Rank - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Assistant/Associate Professor - Mathematical Sciences - (COS)
- Assistant Professor - Mathematical Sciences - (COS)
- Assistant Professor - Computer &Network Engineering-(CIT)
- Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Full Professor in Avionics and Flight Control Systems with a Focus on AI - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Full Professor in Aerospace Propulsion - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Full Professor in Astrodynamics and Space Missions - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Full Professor in Advanced Air Mobility & Aviation - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Assistant/Associate/Full Professor - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Postdoctoral Fellow - Biology - (COS)
- Network Engineer - Network & Info. Security Unit
- Instructor - Engineering Requirement Unit (COE)
- Assistant Professor - Social Wellbeing- (CHSS)
- Postdoctoral Fellow - Chemistry - (COS)
- Research Associate (Aircraft Design, Optimization and Control) - As.Dean for Research&Grad.Std.- COE
- Assistant Professor - Statistics &Business Analytics(CBE)
- Assistant /Associate Professor in Construction Management- Architectural Engineering Department - Architectural Engineering - (COE)
- Postdoctoral Fellow - Physics - (COS)
- Agriculture Technician - The Date Palm Unit - Khalifa Cntr.Biotech.&Genetic Eng.
- Instructor in Architectural Engineering - Architectural Engineering - (COE)
- Assistant/Associate Professor of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Veterinary Medicine - (CAVM)
- Instructor - Veterinary Internal Medicine - Veterinary Medicine - (CAVM)
- Professor - Government and Society- (CHSS)
- Assistant/Associate Professor of Bioinformatics and Health Data Science - Genetics and Genomics - (CMHS)
- Instructor - Veterinary Surgery, Anesthesiology and Diagnostic Imaging - Veterinary Medicine - (CAVM)
- Associate Professor - Government and Society- (CHSS)
- Associate Professor - Physical Education - (CEDU)
- Research Assistant - Nutrition and Health (CMHS)
- Research Assistant - Foundations of Education - (CEDU)
- Assistant Professor - Government and Society- (CHSS)
- Web Developer - Web Services Unit
- Assistant/ ProfessorAssociate Professor/Professor - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Assistant/Associate Professor in Agricultural Water Management and Irrigation Systems Engineering - Integrative Agriculture- (CAVM)
- Assistant/ Associate Professor for Aquaculture - Integrative Agriculture- (CAVM)
- Assistant/Associate Professor in Landscape Design and Construction - Integrative Agriculture- (CAVM)
- Assistant/Associate Professor in Agricultural Extension - Integrative Agriculture- (CAVM)
- Assistant/Associate Professor - Cognitive Sciences- (CHSS)
- Associate Professor - Geography and Urban Sustain.-(CHSS)
- Associate Professor - Social Wellbeing- (CHSS)
- Assistant Professor - Media & Creative Industries-(CHSS)
- Associate Professor - Computer &Network Engineering-(CIT)
- Assistant Professor - Mathematical Sciences - (COS)
- Research Assistant Circular Economy - As.Dean for Research&Grad.Std.- CBE
- Marketing Executive - Marketing Services Unit
- Assistant/Associate Professor in Environmental Engineering - Civil & Environmental Eng.-(COE)
- Research Assistant - Human Capital Research Center
- Research Assistant - Human Capital Research Center
- Research Associate - Human Capital Research Center
- Assistant /Associate Professor in Poultry Management and Production - Integrative Agriculture- (CAVM)
- Senior Laboratory Specialist (Model Making) in the Architectural Engineering Department - Architectural Engineering - (COE)
- Assistant Professor - Clinical Psychology (CMHS)
- Research Assistant - Chemistry - (COS)
- Assistant Professor in Single Cell Biology - Biology - (COS)
- Research Associate - Mechanical & Aerospace Eng.-(COE)
- Assistant or Associate Professor - Tourism and Heritage- (CHSS)
- Instructor - Geosciences - (COS)
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Operations Research - As.Dean for Research&Grad.Std.- CBE
- Research Assistant (Molecular Entomology) - Khalifa Cntr.Biotech.&Genetic Eng.
- Research Assistant Professor (Molecular Entomologist) - Khalifa Cntr.Biotech.&Genetic Eng.
- Research Associate (Water Resources) - As.Dean For Student Affairs (COE)
- Postdoctoral Fellow (Wireless Communication and Signal Processing) - As.Dean for Research&Grad.Std.- COE
- Associate Professor in Sociology - Government and Society- (CHSS)
- Assistant Professor - Physics - (COS)
- Instructor in Urban Planning - Geography and Urban Sustain.-(CHSS)
- Ph.D. Studentship at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering - As.Dean for Research&Grad.Std.- COE
- Research Assistant (Biomechanics) - As.Dean for Research&Grad.Std.- COE
- Research Assistant - Media Science - Khalifa Cntr.Biotech.&Genetic Eng.
- Faculty all ranks - Information Systems &Security-(CIT)
- Professor - Media & Creative Industries-(CHSS)
- Postdoctoral Fellow - As.Dean for Research&Grad.Std
طريقة التقديم في جامعة الامارات العربيه المتحده للتوظيف
تابع الخطوات التالية:
- الانتقال الى الصفحة الإلكترونية الرسمية جامعة الامارات العربية المتحدة 👈 للتقديم اضغط هنا.
- قم بالبحث عن وظيفتك والضغط عليها.
- قم بالضغط على أيقونة يتقدم
- قم بإضافة البريد الإلكتروني
- قم بإضافة كلمة مرور
- قم بتأكيد كلمة المرور
- قم بالضغط على أيقونة يتقدم
- قم بإضافة الاسم الأول
- قم بإضافة الاسم الأوسط
- قم بإضافة اسم العائلة
- قم بإضافة تاريخ الميلاد
- قم بتحديد جنس
- قم بإضافة الحالة الاجتماعية
- قم بإضافة بلد الإقامة
- قم بإضافة الجنسية
- هل لديك دفتر العائلة
- قم بإضافة الدِينانة
- قم بإضافة البريد الإلكتروني الرئيسي
- قم بإضافة الهاتف الأساسي
- قم بإضافة الهاتف الثانوي
- قم بإضافة الولاية
- قم بإضافة المدينة
- قم بإضافة الرمز البريدي
- قم بإضافة العنوان
- هل لديك أي قريب يعمل في جامعة الإمارات العربية المتحدة
- قم بإضافة الاسم الكامل
- قم بالضغط على أيقونة حفظ ثم التالي
- قم بإضافة الوظيفة الأكاديمية الحالية
- قم بإضافة تاريخ الحصول على الوظيفة
- قم بإضافة سنوات الخبرة
- قم بالضغط على أيقونة حفظ ثم التالي
- قم بتحميل السيرة الذاتية
- قم بإضافة خطاب التقديم
- قم بإضافة المستندات الاضافية
- قم بالضغط على أيقونة حفظ ثم التالي
- قم بإضافة الحالة الوظيفية الحالية
- قم بالضغط على أيقونة إرسال الطلب.
نكون قد وصلنا إلى نهاية المقال المقدم والذي تحدثنا فيه عن وظائف جامعة الامارات العربيه المتحده , وتحدثنا أيضا عن جامعة الامارات العربيه المتحده ، وكما قدمنا لكم طريقة التوظيف في جامعة الامارات العربيه المتحدة ، كل هذا قدمنا لكم عبر هذا المقال ، في موقع وظائف الامارات ، قسم وظائف ابوظبي ، قسم وظائف العين.